You Can Make a Difference. Donate.

In Person

Donations Received At:

307 N Alder Ave

Granite Falls, WA 98252

Mon-Fri  /  9 AM-3 PM

By Mail

Make check payable to:

Granite Falls Community Coaltion & Food Bank

PO Box 1947

Granite Falls, WA 98252

By Paypal

You can Make a Difference.

Scan QR Code to donate.

Tax Information

The Granite Falls Community Coalition and Food Bank (GFCC&FB) is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Our tax identification number is 41-2103240.

In-Kind Donations are Greatly Appreciated!

In-kind donations are non-monetary donations made to nonprofit organizations. These nontraditional donations include the transfer of any asset, usually goods or services, and can be contributed by individuals or other organizations and companies.

Generally, there is two types of in-kind donations forms:

  • Goods. The donation of a car, as discussed in the introduction, is an example of a good that may be contributed to a nonprofit in kind. These assets are physical materials that nonprofits can use to enhance their strategy in some way.
  • Services. Professional services can be given in kind to nonprofits that would otherwise need to pay for that same service. For instance, accounting services, lawyer services, graphic design, or web development can all be given in-kind by a generous professional.

Highly Desirable Food Items:

  • Canned Chili
  • Canned soup or stew
  • Canned Ravioli or Pasta
  • Mac n Cheese – the cups are great for kids
  • Canned Fruits or Vegetables

Hygiene or Cleaning Supply Items:

  • Shampoo
  • Toothpaste
  • Soap or Body Wash

Other Items:

  • Baby Formula / Food
  • Diapers (need pull up sizes and larger size diapers)
  • Cat Food
  • Grocery bags and Boxes

Thank You For Your Support!

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