Granite Falls Community Coalition and Food Bank Staff

Food Bank Director

Ellen Halbakken  /  (360) 691-4253  /

Ellen Halbakken, a lifelong resident of the Pacific Northwest and born in Seattle, is a compassionate individual who is deeply committed to making a difference in her community. Currently serving as the Food Bank Director of the Granite Falls Community Coalition and Food Bank, Ellen's understanding of the diverse needs within the region has fueled her drive to combat hunger and ensure food security for all. Her previous experience in logistics and transportation has provided her with valuable skills in managing operations and optimizing resource distribution, enabling her to create an efficient and effective food bank system. In her leisure time, Ellen indulges in her love for travel, exploring new cultures and gaining a broader perspective on global issues. She finds solace and inspiration in reading, constantly seeking knowledge to better understand the challenges faced by communities worldwide. Ellen's affection for dogs and her cherished family ties serve as a constant source of joy and support in her life. With her multifaceted interests and unwavering dedication, Ellen Halbakken continues to make a lasting impact on her community.

New Title

Payroll/Accounts Payable

Tori Van Winkle  /  (360) 691-4253  /

My name is Tori Van Winkle and I have been doing the bookkeeping at the Coalition for two years now . I enjoy working for the Coalition because of all the good they do in our community, and I love being a part of that.

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