INTERESTED IN VOLUNTEERING? The vital work of the Granite Falls Community Coalition and Food Bank is made possible by people like you who contribute their unique backgrounds, talents and skill levels. Our needs change based on current events, adding flexibility to get you involved!


COMMUNITY SERVICE OPPORTUNITY: Teen graduating from Granite Falls need 40 hours of community service. We accept youth volunteers over the age of 14 and younger youth are welcome to come with their parent or guardian present. We accept volunteers of all sorts, if they are willing to help, we can typically find something that is within their skills and abilities. Because we are located on school property, a background check is required for volunteering.

GET INVOLVED: Attend our monthly Coalition meetings every second Tuesday at 10am (except for July). Attend in person at 307 N Alder or via zoom.


I don't volunteer for money, or for fame,

I don't volunteer out of selfish personal gain.

I don't volunteer just for love of my fellow man,

I volunteer because I love being a helping hand.

I don't volunteer just to give a tithe of myself,

I volunteer knowing it's something you can't buy with wealth.

I don't volunteer to win a gold medal or some other prize,

I volunteer because of that feeling I get inside.

I don't volunteer just for that reward down in my heart,

I volunteer just for that feeling of what I've been apart.

I volunteer to help others far and near,

That's what makes you and me a volunteer!

We appreciate each and every one of our volunteers and are so very thankful for all that you do!

"Volunteers don't get paid not because they are worthless, but because they are priceless!"


Tell us a little about yourself.

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